Scientific and technical support
Research and engineering support of design and construction is a work package of scientific methodological, expert monitoring, information analytical, and legal nature. Research and engineering support is performed for the purpose of quality and reliability assurance of designed, constructed, operated, and reconstructed buildings and structures.
The institutes within the Research Center of Construction render research and engineering support at all stages of work: survey, design, construction, and operation.
Experts of the institutes within the Research Center of Construction perform monitoring, examination, and expert evaluation of carrying capacity of components of buildings and structures, including after accidents and impact of emergency conditions, prepare documentation on restoration and reinforcement of buildings and structures and solve problems of reconstruction and renovation of residential, public, and industrial buildings.
V. A. Kucherenko TSNIISK renders all-in-one research and engineering support of design and construction and technical supervision, including:
research and engineering support of design and construction of buildings and structures erected in the territories with seismic rating of up to 10 points and in complex geological and climatic conditions (karsts, anthropogenic soils, permafrost, etc.);
- development of special sections of projects on engineering protection of territories and structures from harmful natural and anthropogenic processes (including vibration and seismic protection);
technical inspection of buildings and structures for assessment of reliability of building constructions;
monitoring during construction and operation of buildings and structures;
Specialists of A. A. Gvozdev NIIZHB render research and engineering support of design and construction with application of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Including research and engineering support of:
Fabrication and application of concretes with high performance characteristics (high-strength shrink-proof concretes characterized by high resistance to water and freeze-thaw durability; very light aggregate concretes of low thermal conductivity; polymer concretes; fiber concretes);
Introduction of modern energy-saving technologies in fabrication of constructions;
Erection of pre-fabricated and monolithic buildings in any climatic conditions;
Application of shrink-proof and multi-functional bonders, chemical additives for concretes of various purpose, methods of protection of building construction from corrosion;
All types of work in the field of steel and non-steel reinforcement for normal and pre-stressed reinforced concrete constructions;
Elaboration of technology of pre-stressing of reinforcement, including automated and highly motorized production lines;
Quality control of fabrication of reinforcement and reinforced concrete products;
Input and step-by-step quality control of reinforcement steel and products at construction facilities.
N. M. Gersevanov NIIOSP carries out works on all-in-one research and engineering support in the field of construction of bases, foundations, and underground structures.
The tasks of research and engineering support solved by the Institute include:
Analysis of concept of underground development with consideration of other urban development facilities.
Expert evaluation of engineering and geological survey.
Forecast of changes in engineering geological and hydraulic conditions due to construction.
Forecast of impact of construction on existing facilities.
Determination and selection of types of protective measures.
Calculations outside the methods of regulatory documents.
Elaboration of programs and fulfillment of integrated monitoring during construction.
Interactive design with comparison of forecast mutual impact of facility and environment with results of observations and taking respective corrective measures, if required.
The institutes of the Research Center rendered design and engineering support during construction of almost all unique objects in Moscow and other cities in Russia, including:
the Christ Redeemer Cathedral in Moscow;
the Victory monument at the Worshipful Submission Hill (Poklonnaya Gora);
high-rise buildings of the Moscow-City International Business Center;
high-rise buildings at Marshala Zhukova Av. and Nametkina St.;
Luzhniki, Lokomotiv, CSKA, Zenit, Saturn, Novator Stadiums;
Ice Arena, Moscow;
library building of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU);
residential complex at Karamyshevskaya embankment;
restoration of the Ostankino Tower after fire;
reconstruction of Bolshoy Ustinsky, Astakhovsky, and Novospassky bridges;
Third Ring Road, including the largest structure of the Ring – Lefortovo Tunnel;
Kuryanovskaya, Solnechnogorskaya, Lyuberetskaya, Shchelkovskaya water treatment stations in the Moscow Region;
Bolshoy Theater;
Manege Central Exhibition Hall;
groups of business and residential high-rise buildings: Vorobyovy Gory, Alye Parusa;
Moscow and Ritz Carlton hotels;
Roofed-in skating center in Krylatskoye;
Ice Area at Khodynskoye Pole;
Vnukovo-2 and Sheremetyevo-3 airports;
A number of industrial and civil buildings in areas with temperatures of 40 °С below zero and lower;
Facilities of Sochi 2014 Olympic Games;
Gagarin Tunnel of the Third Road Ring;
Underground complex at the square of the Paveletsky Railway Station;
and many other significant projects.