Project completed
- High-rise buildings
- Civil construction
- Infrastructure construction
- Bridges
- Substructures
- Industrial construction
- Unique buildings and structures
Lakhta Center tower, Saint Petersburg
Geotechnical justification of the possibility of construction of the high-rise complex, estimated justification of the “zero cycle” structure parameters, and R&D support of design and erection of the structuresMZHDK Tower Smart Park Ufa
R&D support of the model aerodynamic tests and development of recommendations for determination of the estimated wind loadsIset Tower Yekaterinburg
R&D support of design and construction of the Multifunctional Complex of the Business Center with residencies and underground parking“President” Business Center, Yekaterinburg
Overall inspection of the building No.1A under construction included in the multifunctional complex with congress hall.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
R&D support of the operations on design of the bases and foundation slab of the main building of the Moscow State UniversityThe Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow
R&D support of the operations during facility reconstruction. Issue of the evaluation of the structure condition, of the conditions of the spire installation of the building, based on the materials of the overall inspection of the existing structures and spire structures. Inspection of the technical condition of the existing structures of the decorative façade wall of the central part of the high-rise outbuilding above +123.30 m level.Moscow International Business Center (MIBC) “Moscow-City”, Moscow
Technical support of construction and installation work, non-destructive testing of the strength of high-rise tower structure concrete. Design development and R&D support of the operations on sheeting of the Central Core ditch of the facility – one of the largest structure of our days with multilevel substructure. Development of “zero cycle” structure designs for a group of high-rise surface and underground complexes of MIBC “Moscow-City”, and geotechnical monitoring in the process of construction operations.
Site No. 2,3 1. Selective evaluation of the quality of concreting and concrete in structures at the facility “Multifunctional Complex with Moscow Wedding Registry Office” and underground parking. Site No. 4 1. Monitoring at the “Medical and Health Center and Parking” facility construction site. 2. R&D support of construction of the facility “Aqua Part Complex with Hotel and Office Building and Apartments at the Site”, and monitoring in the process of construction with preparation of scientific and technical opinions. 3. A package of design and survey operations for construction of the facility “Medical and Health Center and Parking”. Site No. 6 1. R&D support of model aerodynamic tests and development of recommendations for determination of the estimated snow and wind load on supporting and protective structures of the facility “Multifunctional Movie and Concert Hall with Advanced Functions of MIBC “Moscow-City”. 2. Geotechnical monitoring at the construction site “Multifunctional Movie and Concert Hall with Advanced Functions as a Part of the Central Core of MIBC “Moscow-City”. Site No. 11 1. Monitoring of the Transport Terminal construction site at the site No. 11 MIBC “Moscow-City“ (without anchor force measurement). 2. R&D support of reinforcing in the process of construction of “Multifunctional Terminal Complex” at the site No. 11 MIBC “Moscow-City“. 3. Recommendations for determination of the estimated snow load on the facility “Multifunctional Terminal Complex” at site 11 of MIBC “Moscow-City”. 4. R&D support of operations on arrangement of the substructure (including recommendations, selective control and comments to the performance of operations) for the Multifunctional Terminal Complex construction site. 5. Work on development of detailed design documentation for reinforcement of the ditch sheeting structures for the arrangement of metro tunneling. Services of field supervision over performance of the relevant construction and installation work on reinforcement of the aperture structure, in the area of metro tunneling at the abovementioned facility. 6. R&D support of detailed design of the over-foundation monolithic supporting structures of the complex of buildings. Site No. 12 1. Inspection of the erected structures and check calculation of superstructure steel frame of the Multifunctional Business Complex building with issue of the opinion on their technical condition. 2. R&D support of construction of the high-rise part of the building, and preparation of the Final Opinion. 3. Arrangement of piezometric wells and observation over the underground water level at the construction site. 4. Instrumental observations over the condition of the surrounding buildings, structures and underground utilities at the construction site. 5. Preparation of the summarized scientific and technical opinion following the monitoring of the supporting reinforced concrete monolithic structures at the building construction. 6. Quality control of the renovation made in the structural core from 39th to 49th floors of the Multifunctional Business Complex. 7. Non-destructive testing of concrete strength and defectoscopy of monolithic structures of the “1st” floor of the stylobate and 44th – 72nd floor of the high-rise part of the Multifunctional Business Complex. Site No. 13 1. R&D support of concreting during erection of the monolithic reinforced concrete frame of the multifunctional office and recreational complex “Federation”. 2. Correction calculations of wind load for the civil architectural and construction facility Multifunctional office and recreational complex. Site No. 14 1. R&D support and concreting quality control during erection of the monolithic reinforced concrete frame structures of the multifunctional business complex. 2. R&D support of design of the spire of the MIBC “Moscow-City” multifunctional complex building, site 14, with specification of climatic loads, determination of steel grades, and preparation of the design evaluation.
Site No. 15 1. Concreting quality control during erection of the reinforced concrete structure of the foundation slab and substructures of the office complex of the Legislative and Executive Authorities of Moscow at the site No. 15 MIBC “Moscow-City”. 2. Expert evaluation of calculations of the building supporting structures made in the process of facility design and at the check calculation stage. Opinion on the strength and stability of the designed structures, and project compliance with regulatory requirements and project-specific technical specifications (PSTS). 3. Evaluation of concrete actual strength in the Multifunctional Complex structures. 4. Development of PSTS for building design and construction. 5. Building design monitoring, approval of the general principles of design and engineering, and compliance of the decisions made with the current construction regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, and PSTS. Site No. 16 1. Additional engineering geological survey, with obtaining an expert opinion from Geovigilance of Moscow. 2. Foundation design of the complex of buildings. 3. Monitoring of horizontal movement of the ditch sheeting. 4. Development of concreting procedure, and concrete quality control during erection of the Surface and Underground Parking. Site No. 17, 18 1. R&D support of the operations on testing of pile concrete cores, and calculations of concrete pile load capacity. 2. Visual inspection (monitoring) of buildings located in the area of possible impact of construction of the facility “Multifunctional Administrative and Business Complex at sites 17-18 of the “Moscow-City” complex”. 3. R&D support of design and construction of the multifunctional administrative and business complex at sites 17-18 of the “Moscow-City” complex. 4. Development of geotechnical study of the foundation structures. 5. Development of PSTS for design of the superstructure of the multifunctional administrative and business complex, and recommendations for determination of the estimated climatic (wind, ice) loads on the Office Tower and Apartment Tower included in the complex. 6. Additional engineering geological survey for construction of “Multifunctional Administrative and Business Complex at sites 17-18 of the “Moscow-City” complex”. 7. Ditch sheeting design on site. Site No. 20 1. Development of the ditch sheeting design and construction dewatering at the design documentation stage, preparation of the special geotechnical design sections at the design documentation stage for the facility MIBC “Moscow-City” site No. 20. Other construction sites 1. Geotechnical monitoring of the building foundation slab of the Central Core of MIBC “Moscow-City” in axes "3" - "51" and the territory adjacent to the Central Core. 2. Technical documentation for hydrogeological monitoring of the territory of Moscow International Business Center “Moscow-City”, general site monitoring. 3. Inspection of the technical condition of constructions of buildings and structures located in the area of impact of the operations on cable collector laying from “Ochakovo” substation to “City-2” substation. 4. Ditch secant pile sheeting design at the sites in axes 5-11 and 17-20 of the facility: “Multilevel Parking in the Clearance Box of the third Ring Road in the Area of MIBC “Moscow-City”. “Design” Stage”. 5. Operations on determination of concrete strength in the monolithic reinforced concrete structures of the Central Core of MIBC “Moscow-City” in axes 32-45/Е-У at marks 114, 117, 121, 124, and on quality evaluation of the free lengths of reinforcing bars at the mark of 129 m.