Project completed
- High-rise buildings
- Civil construction
- Infrastructure construction
- Bridges
- Substructures
- Industrial construction
- Unique buildings and structures
Chelyabinsk GRES (state district power plant), of Fortum OAO branch Chelyabinsk
Inspection of structures to determine the concrete quality, and development of scientific and technical documents on elimination of defects found in the process of construction of massive reinforced concrete foundations and structures within the project “Construction and Start-Up of Two Power Units (CCGT-247.5 MW).Lefortovo Tunnel, Moscow
Quality control of reinforcement and welding operations, reinforcement cages, erection joints, and selective concrete quality control during construction of the highway section of the 4th ring road from shosse Entuziastov to Izmaylovskoe shosse, with R&D opinion on the control results. Order No.06-004. Ist start-up complex - facilities: garages No. 1 and No. 2, retaining wall on Utkina St, crossover and retaining walls in the area of eighth street of Sokolinaya Gora; IInd start-up complex - facilities: exit ramps No. 1,2,9, entrance ramps No.8,12, retaining walls on Utkina St and Shcherbakovskaya St, main line trestle, exit ramps No.4,6, entrance ramp No.5, underground passenger pavilion “Lefortovo” separate business unit, pedestrian underpass No.1 (at garage No.1)Spartak stadium, Moscow
R&D support of “zero cycle” operations, and operations on testing of oversize bored pilesBridge crossing to Russky Island over the Eastern Bosphorus strait, Vladivostok
Development of the process documents (flow sheet) for quality control of reinforced concrete structures with expert advisory services, and quality control of high-strength concrete of structures, with evaluation.Ostankino Television Tower, Moscow
An operating cycle of complete inspection of the tower steel structures was made after the fire; an opinion on their technical state was given, with recommendations regarding renovation and reinforcement.Krasnoyarsk International Airport (Emelyanovo)
R&D support of design of the metal supporting structures of the facility – new passenger terminal in the international airport, at the “Design Documentation” stage.Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport, Kamchatka Krai
Development of the technical documents on the following subject: Development of PSTS for sites airport surveillance radar, monopulse secondary surveillance radar, runway supervisory unit, local air traffic control center for the facility: “Reconstruction and Retrofitting of the Complex of Means of Air Traffic Control, Flight Radiotechnical Support and Electric Communications, Including Equipment with Automatic Direction Finder, Computer-Based System Air Traffic Management, Complex of Automation Tool for Air Space Management Planning, Short Range Navigation System, Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar, Aerodrome Radar Facility, Receive/Transmit Radio Center, Modernization of En-route Radar Facility Office and En-Route Radar Position”Pulkovo Airport Saint Petersburg
Expert evaluation of design documents for the capital facility “The Building of the New Passenger Terminal, Northern Terminal Finger, Two-Level Transport Ramp”.Yuzhny Airport Complex, Rostov-on-Don
Development of recommendations for the “Design” stage for determination of the estimated snow and wing loads on supporting and protective structures of the facilityBelene NPP, Bulgaria
Development of design solutions on reinforcement of the main building foundations of the block No.1 and 2 in the area of pile fields. Development of the detailed design documentation for experimental work on elaboration of the technology of soil reinforcement in the area of pile fields.Stadium in the western part of Krestovsky Island (Zenit Arena, Gazprom Arena) Saint Petersburg
Calculation of supporting structuresIceberg Skating Palace, Sochi
Development of recommendations for climatic, seismic and dynamic loads, independent check calculations, which confirm the reliability and spatial stability of the system.Megasport Moscow Palace at Khodynka Field, Moscow
Participation in design, R&D support of fabrication and erection of roof structures.Indoor ice skating center, Moscow
Monolithic pillar structures, the main support platform of trusses and tribunes made of concrete В45 В60 П4 of low permeability W16, of high frost and salt resistance F300 with low heat evolutionShokhov Radio Tower on Shabolovka Street, Moscow
Overall inspection of the tower structure. In order to evaluate the structural load capacity, check calculations for 1st and 2nd limit states (determination of forces, stresses in elements, and unit movements) were made, as well as dynamic calculation. After a complex analysis of the results, the recommendations were prepared regarding the possibility of further facility operation and renovation.Complex of buildings of Gnessin Moscow Special School of Music, Moscow
R&D support of the zero cycle operations and foundation soil reinforcement at the restoration and reconstruction site.Vnukovo air terminal complex, Moscow
Quality control of erection of the monolithic reinforced concrete structuresBalakovo NPP, Saratov Region, Balakovo
Research of concrete pore structure with further analytical estimation of the remaining life time of the reinforced concrete structures of the storage pool of the power unit No.1.Beloyarsk NPP Yekaterinburg Sverdlovsk Region, Zarechny
Classification of structures of the 3rd power unit main building. Assessment of the possibility for superstruction in the form of the additional floor of the existing laboratory and domestic building of the 3rd power unit, with issue of the opinion and recommendations for the superstructure engineering solution. Inspection of the structures of the Fuel Element Warehouse building of stage 2, with assessment of their remaining life time and issue of scientific and technical opinion based on the inspection results. Classification of constructions of buildings and structures related to stage 1 and required for the operations on the final shutdown of units 1, 2.Blagoveshchensk CHPP Amur Region
Inspection based on the structure analysis, in order to justify the technical solutions on bringing the fire resistance limits of the said structures to the limits required by the laws of the Russian Federation.Boguchansk HPP, Krasnoyarsk Krai
Expert evaluation of the design work “Specification of the Technical Solutions of the Construction Project with a Normal Water Level of 208 m” in terms of including of SF6 switchgear 220 kV and SF6 switchgear 500 kV in the Auxiliary and Production Complex Boguchanslaya HPP.Big Ice Arena, Sochi
Development of recommendations for determination of the estimated seismic loads, estimated snow, wind and temperature climatic loads on the roof.Operations on design of the structure foundation slab, and field supervision in the process of its installation
Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena, Moscow
V.N. Nasonov, a former director of the Central Research Institute of Construction Structures, the State Prize and the Lenin Prize Winner, is one of the authors of the project.Thanks to the experts of the R&D Center, the largest unsupported roof in the world has appeared (the sizes in the plan are 310×260m). New method of calculation and design were used, with checking the results using an oversize test roof model, translucent panel used during the construction of the roof, full-size units of the metalwork element base connections were tested.
A fragment of the translucent roof was tested, expert evaluation of the geotechnical part of the stadium reconstruction project was made, and a program of geotechnical monitoring in the process of construction operations.
Big sports arena for 30000 audience included in A.A. Kadyrov Sports Complex, the Chechen Republic Grozny
Development of PSTS for the facility designVotkinsk HPP, Perm Krai, Chaykovsky
Instrumental inspection of the flow part of hydraulic units No. 1-10 and the weirHigher School of Economics, Moscow
R&D support of design and construction operations on modernization of the complex of buildings and structures of the former Military Engineering Academy – a monument of architecture of the beginning of the 19th centuryThe Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
R&D support of the operations on design and laying of utilities in the territory of the Museum Area of the State Museum of Fine Arts – the protected area in the center of Moscow, where more than 20 historical and architectural landmarks of 17th-21st centuries are concentratedZeysk HPP Amur Region
Development of the design documents for reinforcement of structures of the turbine room, assembly area and building of APK-1 (hardware and software complex).P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Moscow
Development of PSTS for design of bases, foundations and substructures of the Conservatory buildings in connection with the operations on their modernization. R&D support of design and construction operationsIndoor Skating Center, Sochi
Development of PSTS, preparation of recommendations for determination of the estimated climatic and seismic loads, R&D support of design with check calculations.Indoor football and athletic arena of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
Participation in preparation of the detailed design, R&D support of fabrication and erection of supporting metalwork.Kursk NPP, Kurchatov
Evaluation of the remaining life time of constructions of buildings and structures to extent the safety operation lifeIce Palace of Sports on Avtozavodskaya, Moscow
Development of recommendations for determination of the estimated snow load for the facilityLeningrad NPP-2 Sosnovy Bor Saint Petersburg
R&D support of manufacturing of concrete blocks of dry reactor protection of supporting and thrust trusses of the power unit No.1. Field density uniformity and humidity testing of serpentine concrete of the power unit No.1 dry protection, including: - to ensure supervision over the process of the manufacturing of dry protection blocks (concrete mix design, placing of the mix in “DP” blocks, heat treatment) of “DP” blocks. Neutron profiling of dry protection blocks, analysis of humidity distribution uniformity, and preparation of reporting and as-built documents.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
R&D support of the operations on design of the bases and foundation slab of the main building of the Moscow State UniversityMegasport Moscow Palace at Khodynka Field, Moscow
Participation in design, R&D support of fabrication and erection of roof structures.Saratov International Airport (c.p. Saburovka)
R&D support of supporting structures of the facility –new passenger terminal in the international airport, at the “Design Documentation” stage.Moscow International Business Center (MIBC) “Moscow-City”, Moscow
Technical support of construction and installation work, non-destructive testing of the strength of high-rise tower structure concrete. Design development and R&D support of the operations on sheeting of the Central Core ditch of the facility – one of the largest structure of our days with multilevel substructure. Development of “zero cycle” structure designs for a group of high-rise surface and underground complexes of MIBC “Moscow-City”, and geotechnical monitoring in the process of construction operations.
Site No. 2,3 1. Selective evaluation of the quality of concreting and concrete in structures at the facility “Multifunctional Complex with Moscow Wedding Registry Office” and underground parking. Site No. 4 1. Monitoring at the “Medical and Health Center and Parking” facility construction site. 2. R&D support of construction of the facility “Aqua Part Complex with Hotel and Office Building and Apartments at the Site”, and monitoring in the process of construction with preparation of scientific and technical opinions. 3. A package of design and survey operations for construction of the facility “Medical and Health Center and Parking”. Site No. 6 1. R&D support of model aerodynamic tests and development of recommendations for determination of the estimated snow and wind load on supporting and protective structures of the facility “Multifunctional Movie and Concert Hall with Advanced Functions of MIBC “Moscow-City”. 2. Geotechnical monitoring at the construction site “Multifunctional Movie and Concert Hall with Advanced Functions as a Part of the Central Core of MIBC “Moscow-City”. Site No. 11 1. Monitoring of the Transport Terminal construction site at the site No. 11 MIBC “Moscow-City“ (without anchor force measurement). 2. R&D support of reinforcing in the process of construction of “Multifunctional Terminal Complex” at the site No. 11 MIBC “Moscow-City“. 3. Recommendations for determination of the estimated snow load on the facility “Multifunctional Terminal Complex” at site 11 of MIBC “Moscow-City”. 4. R&D support of operations on arrangement of the substructure (including recommendations, selective control and comments to the performance of operations) for the Multifunctional Terminal Complex construction site. 5. Work on development of detailed design documentation for reinforcement of the ditch sheeting structures for the arrangement of metro tunneling. Services of field supervision over performance of the relevant construction and installation work on reinforcement of the aperture structure, in the area of metro tunneling at the abovementioned facility. 6. R&D support of detailed design of the over-foundation monolithic supporting structures of the complex of buildings. Site No. 12 1. Inspection of the erected structures and check calculation of superstructure steel frame of the Multifunctional Business Complex building with issue of the opinion on their technical condition. 2. R&D support of construction of the high-rise part of the building, and preparation of the Final Opinion. 3. Arrangement of piezometric wells and observation over the underground water level at the construction site. 4. Instrumental observations over the condition of the surrounding buildings, structures and underground utilities at the construction site. 5. Preparation of the summarized scientific and technical opinion following the monitoring of the supporting reinforced concrete monolithic structures at the building construction. 6. Quality control of the renovation made in the structural core from 39th to 49th floors of the Multifunctional Business Complex. 7. Non-destructive testing of concrete strength and defectoscopy of monolithic structures of the “1st” floor of the stylobate and 44th – 72nd floor of the high-rise part of the Multifunctional Business Complex. Site No. 13 1. R&D support of concreting during erection of the monolithic reinforced concrete frame of the multifunctional office and recreational complex “Federation”. 2. Correction calculations of wind load for the civil architectural and construction facility Multifunctional office and recreational complex. Site No. 14 1. R&D support and concreting quality control during erection of the monolithic reinforced concrete frame structures of the multifunctional business complex. 2. R&D support of design of the spire of the MIBC “Moscow-City” multifunctional complex building, site 14, with specification of climatic loads, determination of steel grades, and preparation of the design evaluation.
Site No. 15 1. Concreting quality control during erection of the reinforced concrete structure of the foundation slab and substructures of the office complex of the Legislative and Executive Authorities of Moscow at the site No. 15 MIBC “Moscow-City”. 2. Expert evaluation of calculations of the building supporting structures made in the process of facility design and at the check calculation stage. Opinion on the strength and stability of the designed structures, and project compliance with regulatory requirements and project-specific technical specifications (PSTS). 3. Evaluation of concrete actual strength in the Multifunctional Complex structures. 4. Development of PSTS for building design and construction. 5. Building design monitoring, approval of the general principles of design and engineering, and compliance of the decisions made with the current construction regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, and PSTS. Site No. 16 1. Additional engineering geological survey, with obtaining an expert opinion from Geovigilance of Moscow. 2. Foundation design of the complex of buildings. 3. Monitoring of horizontal movement of the ditch sheeting. 4. Development of concreting procedure, and concrete quality control during erection of the Surface and Underground Parking. Site No. 17, 18 1. R&D support of the operations on testing of pile concrete cores, and calculations of concrete pile load capacity. 2. Visual inspection (monitoring) of buildings located in the area of possible impact of construction of the facility “Multifunctional Administrative and Business Complex at sites 17-18 of the “Moscow-City” complex”. 3. R&D support of design and construction of the multifunctional administrative and business complex at sites 17-18 of the “Moscow-City” complex. 4. Development of geotechnical study of the foundation structures. 5. Development of PSTS for design of the superstructure of the multifunctional administrative and business complex, and recommendations for determination of the estimated climatic (wind, ice) loads on the Office Tower and Apartment Tower included in the complex. 6. Additional engineering geological survey for construction of “Multifunctional Administrative and Business Complex at sites 17-18 of the “Moscow-City” complex”. 7. Ditch sheeting design on site. Site No. 20 1. Development of the ditch sheeting design and construction dewatering at the design documentation stage, preparation of the special geotechnical design sections at the design documentation stage for the facility MIBC “Moscow-City” site No. 20. Other construction sites 1. Geotechnical monitoring of the building foundation slab of the Central Core of MIBC “Moscow-City” in axes "3" - "51" and the territory adjacent to the Central Core. 2. Technical documentation for hydrogeological monitoring of the territory of Moscow International Business Center “Moscow-City”, general site monitoring. 3. Inspection of the technical condition of constructions of buildings and structures located in the area of impact of the operations on cable collector laying from “Ochakovo” substation to “City-2” substation. 4. Ditch secant pile sheeting design at the sites in axes 5-11 and 17-20 of the facility: “Multilevel Parking in the Clearance Box of the third Ring Road in the Area of MIBC “Moscow-City”. “Design” Stage”. 5. Operations on determination of concrete strength in the monolithic reinforced concrete structures of the Central Core of MIBC “Moscow-City” in axes 32-45/Е-У at marks 114, 117, 121, 124, and on quality evaluation of the free lengths of reinforcing bars at the mark of 129 m.
Sergei Andriaka Moscow State Watercolour and Fine Arts Academy, Moscow
Inspection of supporting structures, including structures to earth foundation joints of the building under constructionMoscow Architectural Institute, Moscow
Geotechnical monitoring and calculations of estimated deformations of the surrounding development during construction of building 5 at the “MARCHI” siteBridge over the Golden Horn Bay, the Far Eastern District, Primorsky Krai
Study of the materials of the bridge superstructure inspection, evaluation of the scope of the inspections made, development of scientific and technical Opinion based on the inspection materials with recommendations for repair and refurbishment work and possible additional inspections.Novovoronezh NPP-2, Novovoronezh
Concreting quality control using the neutron profiling method at the facility: “Reactor Building 20UJA” of the power unit No.2.Novosibirsk HPP, Novosibirsk
Inspection of reinforced concrete structures of the flow part, the foundation of the hydraulic units GA2-GA7, and the floor above grades of the turbine room, with issue of scientific and technical opinion.Concentrating plant BKPRU-4 Uralkali ОАО Perm Krai, Beresniki
Inspection of metalwork of the main building KH(G) of the concentrating plant, and development of the regulatory document “PSTS to clauses 5.3, 5.5 SNiP 2.03.11-85 “Anticorrosion Protection of Structures” in terms of operation of the existing supporting structures of the building with a pitch of steel columns of 6 m for the facility BKPRU-4 Uralkali ОАО. Reconstruction of the main building CH(G).Russian International Olympic University and multifunctional hotel and recreation complex, Sochi
Special geotechnical design work. Development of PSTS for design of high-rise buildings under the conditions of high seismicityRostov NPP (RoNPP) , Rostov-on-Don
Development of production and processing documents on concreting and heat treatment of the reactor “dry protection” blocks (DP) of the power unit No.3. Field supervision over the progress of manufacture (concrete mix design, mix placing in “DP” blocks, heat treatment) of “DP” blocks. Expert advisory support of the operations with preparation of the reporting as-built documents.Bobsleigh, luge and skeleton track in the area of Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi
Check calculations of slope stability, including with regard to retaining and other sustaining structures. Advisory support of the operations on geotechnical parts of the projectsP.S. Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Sayanogorsk
Technical support of concreting, reinforcing and welding operations, and operations on metalwork welding during construction and installation operations on renovation, overall inspection, crane trestle testing, inspection of reinforcement concrete structures after the accident, support of construction and installation work.Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Complex of buildings and structures for establishment of higher education with R&D and administration premises, Odintsovo
Evaluation of the engineering and geological survey and design solutions during arrangement of pile foundations of “D3” planning area, and development of recommendations for optimization of their design.Support of design and construction of the complex of buildings of the R&D center of Transmashholding CJSC of D2 planning area.
Report on the compliance of the engineering solution for pile foundation and foundation slab with loads and construction standards.
Volga Arena Stadium, Nizhniy Novgorod
Particular parts of the design documentation of the “D” stage at the facility: Construction of the stadium for 45 000 audience for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.Arena Khimki Stadium, Moscow
Operations on inspection of supporting canopy metalwork over the tribunes, and annual monitoring of their conditionFIFA World Cup Stadium in Kaliningrad
R&D support of the facility design. Development of PSTS and recommendations for determination of the estimated climatic (wind and snow) loads on the facility roof.Road junction in the area of Sokol metro station, Moscow
A set of operations on protection of the development and utilities under unparalleled in their complexity geotechnical conditions of the facility constructionCHPP-16, Moscow
Geotechnical monitoring of settlements of the building under construction, and foundations of the base equipment of the Main Building of CCGT-420 of the operating unit.Universal hall, Saransk
Model aerodynamic tests and development of recommendations for determination of the estimated wind and snow loads on supporting and protective structures of the facility.Ust-Srednekan HPP, Magadan Region, Kolyma River
Development of the floor slab reinforcement design at the level of 245,500, and the existing erection area floor slabsFinlyandskiy Station Saint Petersburg
R&D expert support of front end engineering design for justification of investments in the project “Reconstruction of Finlyandskiy Station. Stage 2. Construction of Finlyandskiy Station Transport Hub”.Football stadium Krasnodar
Development of PSTS for calculation and arrangement of the stadium foundations, its substructure waterproofing, quality control of the “zero cycle” operations, and geotechnical monitoring in the process of facility constructionArtistic Gymnastics Center, the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan
Inspection and issue of the expert opinion on the reasons for collapse of the roof structural elementsThe Central Olympic Stadium Sochi
R&D support of construction.Development of recommendations for climatic, seismic and dynamic loads.
In order to ensure high quality of supporting metalwork, its long-term reliability, the following operations were performed as a part of R&D support: advisory participation in development of the structure scheme versions, main structural elements and units; development of PSTS for structure design; development of specifications for structure fabrication and erection; participation in technical material quality control; participation in control and acceptance of structures during their fabrication; participation in control and acceptance during erection of structures, erection joints; development of the monitoring program for the period of construction and operation of the structure; participation in field studies at the stage of erection (installation) of structures.